Ethics, Enviroment, Testing and Certifications.
TD TEXTILES customers mainly design their own items or request us to customise those that we have in our collection, this is the reason why we decided not to be certified OEKO-TEX, simply because our products are never standard items. Either they are custom designed, dyed, or finished, or hand made, every single one of our products will follow its own certification process. With over 30years of experience in textiles and with the help of the most knowledgeable of chemical in textile professionals,TD Textiles adopted its own quality testing procedure, the so called 3-steps testing process. This standard provides the only trustable way to make safety products in China. We are well aware that most of times factories and workers can make mistakes with qualities, chemicals or materials and how difficult it is to work with the local industry, for this reason we signed cooperation agreements with the best known chemical test laboratories. The first step in fact is to test first the raw materials to ensure they pass all the tests, second we test at half production process to make sure everything is stable and finally again at the last stage when bulk is ready to reconfirm that quality, and chemicals are those requested by the customers with a final inspection of the goods and official chemical test report.
TD Textiles has always taken into great consideration the health of its customers and is committed to provide the consumers products that are safe to wear and of which manufacturing process is not damaging the environment. Our company is always looking for better resources to use for its products and recently, besides the natural fibers, has launched the RECYCLED Polyester Fabrics collection, being the first company doing so.
Every single product manufactured by our company also needs to follow our very strict Ethic standards. TD Textiles doesn't employ any children in its factories and provides adequate salary and sustain to all of its direct cooperators, and does anything within its powers to make sure that all the supply chains follows the same rules. We also do not allow any partner company to make use of the labor camps convicts. We believe in the sustainability of the system and we know that we don't want to be the cheapest supplier but the most reliable, honest, knowledgeable, competitive and safe one.
We always say that we are not the cheapest in the market because we know that materials that are safe to wear and tests are expensive to make and customise, but if we are compared to companies that should do the same as us, then we are definitely more competitive. Unfortunately, there is no cheaper way and no escape. Quality has a price. Whoever offers cheap, we would wonder. In our country we say that what you pay one dollar, you get one dollar value. No one gives gold for free.